InvertaSpot GT - New
Single Sided Gun and full set of electrodes available
How do you know what type of steel that is to be welded?
The InvertaSpot GT has now been fitted as standard, with the latest
MATERIAL TEST® program which not only determines the individual
types of steel and galvanised coatings, but also sets the welding
parameters so that the final results are perfect. No longer is time
wasted trying to find this information and no chance of errors.
No problems, no fuss, no mistakes!
traceability is essential for PAS 125
A vital requirement of all new spotwelding equipment is that it
be able to show evidence of the quality of every spotweld completed.
With the InvertaSpot GT this information is printed on A4 paper
showing all aspects of the weld.
The InvertaSpot
GT always remembers the date and time as well as:
The Job Number
VIN number
Car registration number
Operator's name
Every weld is
recorded during each job for printout later. Never be without evidence
of the job being done correctly!
manufacturer requirements
.It is tough to keep up with
With many new steels being introduced in to the latest range of
cars, it is essential to have the correct equipment to weld them.
On several cars (Volvo, Peugeot and others) already in the market
today, the welding requirement is over 12,000amps at 500dAN. Other
cars are coming along in 2007 that will require the same. It is
impossible to carry out the repairs correctly if your existing welding
machine has a maximum output of only 9,000amps.
With the InvertaSpot GT you can have complete peace of mind. 13,000amps
at 550dAN is far above what is being asked for. This extra capacity
is needed.
Future Proofed
.No need
to change your welder in the future!
Future proof your welding equipment, invest in the InvertaSpot GT
now and be ahead of the game for years to come.
We know that every bodyshop manager is fed up with having to invest
in new spot welding equipment every year, just because the steel
on the latest cars has changed.
Now the times are changing. The InvertaSpot GT is designed to work
on all steels and on all cars.
By investing in the InvertaSpot GT, there is no need to worry about
the future. It has the extra capacity to work even up to 14,000amps
at 600daN.
Constant Current Control
.Constantly checking,
Constantly correcting!
The InvertaSpot GT will always give the correct amps to every weld,
no matter how thick or what type of steel is being used.
The control board first checks the impedance of the job and continues
to works out the power requirements automatically throughout the
whole weld taking into account any other interferences from paint,
glue or power to the workshop.
This is the first time this type of regulation control has been
used and ensures factory welds (size, shape and strength) for the
workshop even using a 32amp power supply. The InvertaSpot GT will
ensure complete peace of mind at all times.
No Magnetic field
Be ready
for the EU Directive 2004/40/EG
According to EU law, every company owner is responsible for the
health and safety of the staff. The new InvertaSpot GT welder has
a magnetic field of less than 30% of the permitted legal limit whereas
the existing spot welders are 20 times over the limit.
With InvertaSpot GT you are fully compliant. The EU Directive has
been put on hold until 2012, but this still means it is vitally
important to respect the welfare of your staff, so when purchasing
new equipment always buy EU compliant equipment.
An accident waiting to happen
.Don't let it
happen to you!
Already we know that damaged cars are being inspected by various
safety agencies to see if past crash repairs have been carried out
correctly. If proved not to be the case, the repairer is likely
to be held responsible. If a fatality occurs then serious charges
could be made against the repairer.
Make sure your welding equipment is fully up to date, that you can
weld the new steels and that you are able to prove the results.
is high even at 13,000amps
The tips, electrode arms and both transformers are fully water-cooled.
The 80litre reservoir ensures that welding at 13,000amps can be
successful all day long without any overheating problems.
Twin sided C Gun Absolutely essential when welding above 10,000amps
To hold the nugget in place during the weld, the clamping force
must be above 450daN. This is not possible with the normal X gun.
The new style of welders will now all be supplied with a C gun.
The Compact
body is easily manoeuvred and there are different arms for different
applications. It is relatively light to lift (less than 5lbs using
the balancer) and of course there is water-cooling at the tips,
arms and the transformer.

Quality Control
A brief summary
The memory card remembers all aspects of 100,000 spotwelds and this
information is easily printed onto A4 for each job.
Welding at 13,000amps generates enormous heat. The full water-cooling
system on the InvertaSpot GT ensures the workshop can weld at maximum
amps and keep working all day if needed.
Constant control of Current, Voltage, Impedance and Energy.
Absolute and Relative impedance measuring whilst compensating for
any interference from paint, glue or other outside sources.
The finished welds are the same size, shape and strength as the
This is as close as you can get to producing a factory weld in
your workshop.
User friendly
Easy to move around the bodyshop
The dialogue on the front screen is very simple to understand
Easily updated through a memory card
Individual programs for any user plus OEM programs when available.
Process control depending on the different steel qualities
Click here to see accessories available
for the InvertaSpot GT
here to view other machines available
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